If you have seen the television show Grey's Anatomy or the movie Hoot, you may be familiar with the productions' featured totem poles created by world renowned carvers Carl and Linda Muggli.
Celebrities in the totem pole carving ranks, the Mugglis have donated a seven foot example of their work to the Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley for the organization's Reach for the Stars benefit auction that will be held Sunday, April 27 at 5:00 p.m. at the R & D Banquet
Facility in New Richmond.
The Northwest Coast native-inspired totem pole is hand carved, features traditional symbolism and is valued at over $1,400. Along with the totem pole, some novelty items that will be auctioned by auctioneer Tom Morris at the western-themed gala include: a trip to an authentic western town in Montana, a handmade cowboy quilt, pottery, gourmet cakes and more.
People gathering at this year's Reach for the Stars gala will be helping FRCSCV celebrate its tenth year of service to children and families. Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley is an early childhood development, family support and parent education organization serving all families in Pierce, Polk and St. Croix Counties.
Featuring music by Stampede, dancing, a western-themed buffet, keepsake photos, calf roping and prizes for the best western costume, this year's Reach for the Starts is a not-to-be-missed event. Door prizes will be awarded throughout the evening. You should call 715-684-4440 for a
chance to bid on the world class, one-of-a-kind totem pole and to reserve your spot at the benefit Sunday.
Major sponsors of Reach for the Stars include: Donaldson Company, OEM Fabricators, First Bank of Baldwin, Northern Metal Fabricators, Xcel Energy, Bremer Bank, Nilssen's Super Valu, Behavior Solutions Plus and Durand Builders.