Having a hospital in a small community such as Baldwin provides more benefits than the obvious one of immediate access to medical care.
The benefits also include employment opportunities and a huge payroll which adds vitality to the local economy.
This week, May 11 through May 17, is National Hospital Week, and upon reflection, the benefits of having a local hospital become apparent.
Julie Herman, Chair of BAMC's Board of Trustees said the hospital is "vitally important to the community and surrounding service area." She complimented the "dedicated and loyal employees" for their personal approach to patient care.
Baldwin Village President Don McGee, who also serves on BAMC's Board of Trustees said a hospital is a major factor in business recruitment. "Businesses look at whether there's a hospital, at the schools and at the parks," he said. "So the hospital is very important" to the community in ways other than the medical care it provides to area residents.
"Our goal is that Baldwin Area Medical Center is well thought of by people in the area as providing high quality, friendly health and wellness services," said BAMC CEO Greg Burns. "What probably comes to mind less often for people is the large stimulus the Medical Center generates for the local economy. As one of the largest employers in the area, and a major purchaser of goods and services, the Medical Center's contribution to the economic vitality of the area is very significant."
The local economy is a beneficiary of having a hospital. The salaries paid to BAMC employees last year amounted to $9,970,000. The employment opportunities span a range of categories, including CNAs, RNs, MAs and LPNs.
For the first six months of this fiscal year, there have been 600 admissions to BAMC, and the average daily census is 8.6.
In addition to hospital and clinic services, BAMC provides important adjunct services and activities. Physical therapy and cardiac rehab are provided in BAMC's Wellness Center. An exercise area-the Fitness Center-open to the general public, along with a therapeutic pool, is also
part of the Wellness Center.