Pictured in the front row from left to right are John Wallesverd, Seth Kersten, Lindsay Hurtgen, Sam Basques, Jasmine Merz, Abby Gadbois and Danielle Mundt. In the second row are Emily Veenstra, Megan Smith, Rachel Hanson, Ross Jennings, alt., Tori Liston, Kathrin Hobrecht and Stephanie Larson. Row three: Phillip Hopkins, Forrester Smith, Jenny Rang, Elisa Folden, Jennifer Holle, Kya Grafenstein, Dan Ramberg, alt., and Andrew Ring. Missing from picture are Mark Serier, Becca Warner, Tiffany Loftus, Jordan Lorenz, Rachelle Veenstra, Shauna Basques, Jacob Grafenstein, Elsie Kersten, Kayla Wagner, Amber Jacobson, Ali Ottum, Bridget Fisher, John Rumpel, Derek Boldt, Tanis Klingler, Justin Morrissey and Ian Schoenke.
Thirty-seven B-W students began their preparation for the state high school forensic competition after the March 28 district festival. Although students were tired after their spring break (many of the team were on the New York choir trip) and preparation for the district solo and ensemble festival (twenty-seven members of the team were active participants in that competition), the team fared well. All twenty-five possible entries made it through the screening for the state festival.
It has been many years since our school has taken a full team to state, so coaches Roxi Wakeen and Angie Schmoker are thrilled with Saturday’s results. The day was tiring but very rewarding.
If you would like to see this year’s awesome team, join us on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at the Baldwin-Woodville High School when each member of the team will present their selection for state. We have a great team. The event is free, so please support our team.
Three area Boy Scouts receive highest honor
On Sunday, April 5, Boy Scout Troop 110 of Baldwin and Woodville presented the Eagle Scout award to three area Scouts.
Reid Anderson, Neil Ranals and Jonathon Willert have earned the rank of Eagle, Boy Scouting's highest award. Each Scout enters at the rank of Scout and progresses through the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and finally Eagle.
A variety of requirements must be fulfilled including 21 Merit Badges which provide more in depth study in a variety of skill and interest areas. Each Scout also provides service to the Community, learns outdoor camping, cooking and survival skills, studies citizenship and strives to work together in leadership building activities.
Service projects for the community have included: highway cleanup, Baldwin American Legion Chicken dinners, set-up for community Christmas and Halloween parties, area park clean-up, and purchasing Christmas gifts for needy families.
A major portion of the Eagle award involves coordinating a project that benefits the community. The Scout needs to develop the plan, arrange for needed funding, and coordinate volunteer workers to complete the project.
Reid Anderson's Eagle project was to replace deteriorating tables for Zion Lutheran church park. Neil Ranal's Eagle project was to landscape and paint the Rush River Town Hall. Jonathon Willert's Eagle project was to plan and create a walking/running/cross-country ski trail at Viking Middle School and build benches along the trail.
Cave Dahl American Legion Post 240 in Baldwin charters Troop 110.
Village of Baldwin wastewater utility receives state award
The Wisconsin Rural Water Association (WRWA) recently held its Annual Technical Conference in Green Bay, where nearly 1,200 water and wastewater industry personnel met for four days exchanging ideas and technology through technical sessions and exhibits.
At the WRWA conference, the Baldwin Wastewater Treatment Plant received the Association's prestigious 2009 Wastewater System of the Year Award. This award is presented each year to one system in the state of Wisconsin that demonstrates excellence in the field of wastewater operation.
"The role of water and wastewater systems and their operators has become increasingly difficult as state and federal regulatory agencies have imposed tougher standards for utilities," said Ken M. Blomberg, WRWA Executive Director. "The Baldwin Wastewater Treatment Plant has been recognized by their peers as deserving of WRWA's highest award for their dedication and service. The Village of Baldwin can be proud of its dedicated utility."
County Treasurer Cheryl Slind announces resignation
A letter sent to this newspapers and others in St. Croix County last week by St. Croix County Treasurer Cheryl Slind announced her resignation from that office. Her last day of work for the county will be Friday, May 29.
Over the telephone, Slind said she has received an offer of employment that she couldn’t turn down. “I was presented with an opportunity to work for Workhorse Software,” she said. The Wausau, Wis. company produces software used by municipalities. “It is used by the Village of Baldwin, I believe,” she said.
Slind will provide customer service and training for the software, she said. She said at present she will work out of her home three days a week and then be on the road for probably two days a week, mostly within a 150 mile radius.
“We started talking last fall,” with the software provider, said Slind, “and I came to the conclusion that it would be good fit.” She said she will start in the new job on June 1.
Slind said she wasn’t sure what process would be used by the county to find her replacement. She noted that the County Board’s finance committee meets Friday when the process could begin. She said it’s likely that the county will take applications for the position, then interview and appoint a successor.
In her letter announcing her resignation, Slind wrote: “It has truly been a pleasure serving the people of this great county the past six years. I have been grateful for the trust that was given to me in the past three elections to re-elect me in this position, it’s a trust that I have never taken lightly.”