Park View Community Campus, including Park View Home, will celebrate its 50th Anniversary with an open house on Saturday, September 12 from noon until 3:00 p.m. A presentation at 1:00 p.m. will honor some of those with the vision to found Park View as well as unveil plans for an expansion project. In the picture above, in front, from left, are: Janis Helgeson doing the nails of resident Lorraine Zignego. Standing in back, from left to right, are: Karen Gunderson, Natjira Gorman, Candice Wolvert, Scott Blodgett, Shelby Kuhn, Steve Anderson, Jena Standaert, Administrator Melissa Walthall and Dalia Olson.
Members of the public are invited to help Park View Community Campus celebrate 50 years of service to the community as well as look into the future to Park View’s unveiling of their expansion project.
The Celebration Open House will be Saturday, September 12 from noon until 3:00 p.m.
The Golden Anniverary of Park View is a testatment to the vision of the people who more than 50 years ago believed that a nursing home could operate and prosper in Woodville while providing a vital service to residents. Four of those visionaries will be honored at a program at 1:00 during the open house. Special guest will be State Senator Sheila Harsdorf and honorees will be Don Hagen, Eula Casper, Jeannette Herald and posthumously Art Best with a presentation to his son Doug.
In addition to the program, there will be musical entertainment by the Holm Sisters, a bounce house to entertain children, barbecue and a video show presenting photos of the past.
“If you look at this building,” said Park View Adminstrator Melissa Walthall, “I feel it doesn’t look 50 years old. It’s been very well maintained. The impression I get from people is they feel it’s light and airy.” She added that there is a small town pride about the institution and facility. “Staff care about the residents and want to do a good job, and that’s reflected in the facility. Residents’ families are involved,” she said and often will come in for coffee and goodies.
Walthall has been administrator at Park View Community Campus for the past 12 and one-half years.
“I think one of the things that surprises people is that we employ between 90 and 100 people,” said Walthall. “There are a lot of loyal, long-term employees and also some new additions and we hope they stay as long.”
At the open house plans for the future will be unveiled, said Walthall. She said the focus will be on remodeling and adding on to meet future needs and that financing for the plan is nearing completion. The hope is to start the project in April 2010 and “the goal of the project to focus on the next 50 years.”
Park View Home was founded 50 years ago with 56 beds. Walthall said that the story of the founding of Park View is amazing, from the vision of the people who proposed it, donated land, traveling to Washington, D.C. to secure funding, resulting in the facility becoming a reality.
Park Views’ initial Board of Directors are listed on a plaque near the entry. They were: R.A. Somesen, president; Donald W. Hagen, vice president; Arthur M. Best, secretary; H.D. Olson, attorney; Ralph Radunzel; Delbert Afdahl; Leonard Wall; Rev. H.T. Haagenson; Rev. S.C. Knutson; Clarence Larson; Rev. H.L.Nelson; Lorentz Solum; Rev. Paul D. Schmidt; Raymond Anderson; Olaf Mathison; and Mrs. J.G. Behm.
Current members of the Board of Directors are: Greg Luecke, president; Larry Knegendorf, vice president; Eula Casper, treasurer, Lois Davis, secretary; Roger Humphrey; Allen DeLander; and Don Hagen.
Park Place North, with assisted living apartments, was built in 1985 as an addition to the original nursing home. It’s attached to the nursing home so it’s convenient to activities and services at Park View.
Kids View Learning Center was started 22 years ago in 1987 and originally licensed for 22 children. It was originally designed to provide day care for children of staff members but since then it has been opened to the community for day care, although staff members’ children still have priority. One nice feature of Kids View is that it allows children to visit the nursing home and multi-generational contacts are beneficial to both the children and residents of Park View.
In 2000 Park Place Apartments was built as a form of assisted living apartments. Each apartment has one or two bedrooms. Services include lunch, housekeeping services weekly, medication assistance and help with personal chores.
From the Exchanges
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RIVER FALLS JOURNAL: She claims to be 72 but take away that 2 and you have an idea what the start of the school year means to Donna Nicholson. “I don’t know who’s more excited, me or the kids,” she laughed last Thursday. “I woke up at 4:30 today because I have to go on a dry run to meet the kids and the parents. I can’t wait for school to begin.” Nicholson has driven school bus in River Falls since March 1967 – Lyndon Johnson was president; the Beatles “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” was the No. 1 album. That’s 42 years on the job. She drives a 170-mile daily route. Naturally, a reporter might ask, “So how much longer will you work, Donna?” “Indefinitely,” comes the reply, “I feel great. I love the kids, I love to drive, especially driving a school bus. That’s the qualifications for this job. The kids are really what make your day.”
NEW RICHMOND NEWS: U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold knew what he was in for as he walked toward New Richmond High School last Wednesday. Feingold had scheduled his St. Croix County “listening session” in the school’s auditorium the morning of August 26 and a large crowd had assembled. Like several previous gatherings in other parts of the state, Feingold realized the majority of the people in the crowd were there to talk about health care reform. Similar town-hall-type meetings across the nation have resulted in everything from shouting matches to lengthy civil discussions. The New Richmond event ended up having a little of both. Feingold shrugged when asked what awaited him inside. He said he’s not surprised that people are engaged in the debate over health care, but it’s not the only issue to ever have stirred up such emotion.
THE SUN (OSCEOLA): Osceola will soon have a new park. The village of Osceola closed a sale last Thursday of a vacant 0.6-acre lot on the west side of River Street that it intends to use as a park. The park will be named Ladd Park, in honor of Charles C. Ladd and family, who donated the land upon which the Osceola Medical Center — once known as Ladd Memorial Hospital, Inc., — formerly stood. Osceola Village Administrator Neil Soltis said the Village settled on a final purchase price of $130,000 for the vacant lot. The Village will use part of an $110,000 donation and a grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to purchase and develop the lot. The park, which in part overlooks the St. Croix River, would likely include little more than a sign commemorating the Ladd family and perhaps a few park benches. “It’s designed to be a quiet place, as opposed to an active use park,” Soltis said. Unlike other accesses available near the Village, Ladd Park features an at-grade view of the St. Croix River, which will be ideally suited to the less physically able and the elderly. The Village will plan a park dedication either this fall or next spring, Soltis said.